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Prospect Lake Perspective--A Productive Year

This past summer (2019) has been a good one for Prospect Lake.

  • The survey and treatment of the lake took place considerably later than in previous years. The initial growth of the lake’s weeds made them more visible than usual. The weeds were there on the lake’s surface for all to see.

  • The survey of lake flora in June by SOLitude Lake Management Consulting, however, showed no spread of Eurasian Milfoil and an abundance of weeds like tapegrass and curly leaf pondweed.

  • The water treatment that followed on July 18 – the usual 80-gallon drum of treatment released at the right spots in the 55-acre lake – did its work. A second survey again showed Eurasian Milfoil virtually eliminated for the season and the other weeds significantly cut back.

  • A second round of treatment on Aug, 5 finished the job on the weeds. And a sample of lake water after that second treatment showed the water well below the limit of what the Commonwealth’s EPA considers acceptable.

IT’S A GOOD THING FOPL’S MOTTO ISstubborn as the weeds!

On another front: FoPL’s annual Tag Sale on Aug. 24-25, was also a success. Holding the sale over two days was an experiment, as was the use of a large tent to provide shade and rain-proofing. Both experiments were deemed successful.

The sheer volume of items -- carefully cleaned, sorted, tested, and priced in advance -- filled the space in front of Town Hall. The number of visitors matched that volume. And the weather held nice and sunny.

The money the tag sale earned will be put to careful use in keeping the lake as weed-free as possible.

The Friends of Prospect Lake thank all of you who roamed the tag sale as customers or who put it together with hours and hours of pre-work. We also thank the Town for its continuing support of the work on the lake.

And we thank the local businesses that offered their services as prizes in the Tag Sale Raffle: BE SURE TO PATRONIZE -- the Bagel Shop, Berkshire Co-op, Big Y, Bistro Box, Café Adam, Domaney’s, Guido’s, Integrative Massage, John Andrew, Kenver’s, Mom’s, O’s Hillsdale, The Old Mill, Public House, SoCo Ice Cream, Spirit Shoppe, Swiss Hutte, and Ward’s.

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